Monday, November 28, 2016

David O. McKay

"God help us to defend the truth--better than that, to live it, to exemplify it in our homes. … God give you power so to have that influence, that your children may be true to the last, to death if necessary, to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ." 

Image result for David O. McKay

Fun fact: Dedicated the Los Angeles California Temple and the Oakland California temple.

History: As I was reading his historical back ground I found it interesting that in his everyday life, his father taught him lessons and strengthen him and found his way as a teaching apostle. Some of the lessons his father taught him were on tithing. As they worked on a farm collecting hay, his father told him "That is the tenth load, and the best is none too good for God.” President McKay said that was the best sermon anyone had given about tithing. I think personal moments with your loved ones is when we learn the most valuable lessons. Later in his life he said, “I am grateful for the wise and careful guardianship and training of noble parents … a guardianship which kept me from turning to paths that would have opened to an entirely different kind of life! Every year increases my appreciation and love for an ever watchful, precious mother, and a noble father.” He also cared very much for women and education in general. He believed an education for everyone was important. He lived in an era where he was principal at a school where few women received an education. Student enrollment greatly increased during his tenure. 

The Noble Calling of Parents: Chapter 16 
Although I am not a parent, this talk made me think about my parents and they role they have fulfilled in my life. President McKay explains that three groups carry the responsibility of training children: First, the family; second, the Church; third, the state. The most important of these is the family. By divine edict the Lord has placed upon parents the responsibility, first to teach the doctrine of repentance; second, faith in Christ, the Son of the living God; third, baptism and confirmation; fourth, to teach children to pray; fifth, to teach children to walk uprightly before the Lord [see D&C 68:25–28]. "Parents who shirk this responsibility will have to answer for the sin of neglect." I think through our own families we see a way to find our Savior Jesus Christ and Our Heavenly Father. When I was younger, I took my family for granted and was completely disrespectful. As I grew older, I realized the sacrifices they had made for me and my sisters and began to appreciate their efforts. Religion may have not been a prominent aspect of my life growing up, but I appreciated that whenever I was in trouble they would always remind me to remember Jesus Christ and that is what got me through my hard times. Now as a member, I realize to a higher extent how important a family is! I may have not been taught those principles as a kid, but now I know whah main principles to teach my future young children. I agree with President McKay that parental example is a powerful force in the lives of children. As I came home for thanksgiving, I saw how many of my high school friends already have children and it makes me see how precious a life can be. I only hope those children grow up in a home where the parents love each other and are able to teach their children righteous principles.